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The Difference Between Steel Pipe and Steel Tube
The Difference Between Steel Pipe and Steel Tube
Steel pipe is used in a wide variety of applications, from the tiny pipes that make hypodermic needles to the large ones that transport natural gas across cities. Different types of steel pipe are designed for various conditions, with some of the most common being carbon steels that can withstand corrosive environments and high pressures. The diameter and wall thickness of a steel pipe can be controlled, along with length, coating, and end finish.
There are several different methods to manufacture a steel pipe, including extrusion and welded processes. Steel pipes can also be made with various cross-sections, making them suitable for a variety of industrial and commercial applications.
One of the most common ways to produce steel pipe is by a welding process called Electric Resistance Welding (ERW). This method uses electrodes and a power source to heat and melt the metal, joining it together with a filler material. The result is a weld that is not only durable but also flexible.
In order to ensure that the welds in a steel pipe are of quality, a variety of tests are carried out during production. These include a visual inspection and a hydrostatic test, which involves sending water through the pipe at high rates of pressure. Both of these are designed to identify any imperfections in the welds that could lead to failure under certain conditions.
Another method of producing steel pipe is by extrusion, which is similar to pushing a piece of metal through a die. The difference is that a mandrel is attached to the dummy block, which is pushed into the metal by a ram. The pressure on the mandrel creates an expansion of the metal, forming the shape of the pipe. This is an inexpensive method of manufacturing a pipe with a custom cross-section.
A final type of pipe that is produced is by a welding process called Fusion Welding. This process is less expensive than the ERW and Fusion welding processes, but it still requires special equipment to operate. The fusion weld produces a weld that is not only strong but also flexible, which makes it ideal for many applications.
The differences between a steel pipe and a steel tube are significant, and knowing the difference can help manufacturers make better decisions about the materials they use for their projects. Generally, pipes are more durable and able to withstand the stresses of daily life, while tubes are typically smaller, cheaper, and more flexible.
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