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OEM Copper Alloys
OEM Copper Alloys
Only a few metals can claim to have been important engineering materials as long and as widely used as copper and its alloys.oem copper alloys This success is due as much to the wide range of metallurgical, physical and chemical properties that these materials offer as to their universal availability, reasonable cost, good formability, machinability and excellent corrosion resistance.
These properties make the use of oem copper alloys desirable in all types of industrial applications.oem copper alloys Moreover, the fact that they are readily recycled is equally valuable from both environmental and economic perspectives.
Copper is used alone or in combination with zinc, tin, aluminum, nickel, silver and beryllium to produce brasses and bronzes in a multitude of shapes and sizes. These materials are available in sheet and rod, wire and piping and as cast or wrought products. They can be processed using all of the standard casting and wrought metalworking techniques including billet and rod casting, hot working, extruding, drawing, rolling and swaging. They can also be cold worked to obtain a variety of different tempers.
All copper alloys are characterized by their high electrical conductivity, excellent formability and stress relaxation characteristics. All of these properties make them desirable for the contact base material for most connector applications. The selection process must be carefully weighed against the specific requirements of each application.
The main oem copper alloy groups are tin and tin-zinc, brasses and cartridge brasses, cupro-nickels in the 90/10 and 70/30 series, aluminium bronzes, silicon bronzes and phosphor bronzes. Other specialty alloys are available to meet the needs of higher temperature applications above 200 degC, contacts without plating and very high normal force contacts.
Each of these alloys is based on a unique chemistry. The principal alloying elements are listed in Table 4. The table includes both the wrought and cast designations. In some cases, further distinctions are made for individual wrought products such as sheets (UNS) and rod or wire (drawing). This allows the customer to select an alloy for a particular fabrication method.
The majority of these materials exhibit acceptable levels of stress relaxation resistance at room and slightly elevated temperatures. However, for applications that will be exposed to higher temperatures, it is necessary to consider special high-performance copper alloys such as copper-beryllium.
These specialty alloys are typically produced to a special temper and can be supplied as either rod or wire. The alloys in this group include the premier precipitation hardening beryllium coppers with tensile strengths to 1380MPa (200ksi). Other special oem copper alloys are available that have been developed by individual vendors for particular tailored performance features such as machinability, stress relief and normal force. All of these materials are based on copper with different levels of tellurium added. The most common of these is Alloy 145, which is available in rod and bar and is commonly referred to as tellurium copper. It is a high-temperature, stress relaxation and machinability resistant material with excellent electrical conductivity. Other examples of these are nickel-tin, tungsten and tin-tungsten.
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