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Choosing the Right Aluminium Alloy For Your Project
Choosing the Right Aluminium Alloy For Your Project
Aluminum and its alloys are a common choice for manufacturing components and assemblies due to their wide range of superior properties including high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, formability and sustainability.aluminium alloys These benefits can be found in a variety of applications such as extruded profiles, castings and forgings. Choosing the right aluminium alloy for your project requires an understanding of the different aluminium grades, their applications and their specific characteristics.
In a broad sense, the term “alloy” refers to a combination of metal elements with varying proportions.aluminium alloys Alloys can be made from either two or more pure metals or they may include non-metals such as copper, silicon and tin.
Wrought aluminium alloys can be classified into seven families by their composition, with each family exhibiting a distinct combination of properties and benefits. These properties can be modified through heat treating or cold working. This can lead to increased strength, higher ductility and improved corrosion resistance. Each of these modifications has a trade off in the performance of the material.
The International Alloy Designation System (IADS) for wrought aluminium alloys was established in 1970 and uses four digits to identify the alloy composition. The first digit of the code indicates the aluminium series, and the remaining three digits are indicative of the alloy modification.
For example, the first digit of the code for Alloy 1100 indicates that it is commercially pure aluminium. This alloy is soft and ductile, making it suitable for difficult forming processes. It can be cold worked and is readily welded, but it must be stored in the annealed condition or solution heat treated (W temper) to prevent natural aging of the material prior to forming.
Alloys in the 5000 and 6000 series contain magnesium and silicon and offer good strength, significant corrosion resistance and ease of fabrication. These properties make them ideal for marine applications. The 5083 alloy has the highest strength of non-heat treatable aluminium, while 6061 is one of the most popular general purpose aluminium alloys.
Aluminium alloys are easy to fabricate and machine, and machining speeds can be up to twice as fast as steel. However, the alloys require careful lubrication during machining to minimize heat generation. This heat can cause dimensional changes in the part, which must be controlled with a proper cutting fluid and lubrication to maintain stable cutting conditions. This helps to reduce dimensional variation and improve the accuracy of the finished product. It is also essential to minimize friction and heat generated during machining, as this can reduce the machinability of the material. This is especially important when high-speed machining is used, as the faster a machine can run, the better it can achieve metal removal rates.
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